Happy MLK Day!

3 min readJan 21, 2019

Today is special: not just because I had the DOPEST tuna panini ever (honestly…like where have these been all my life…), but because today is Martin Luther King Day! Now the reason I’m sitting here writing this out is not just to celebrate one of the most emblematic figures of the 20th century, but actually to denounce those who misuse his quotes — such as one of the largest arms dealers in the world, BAE Systems.

It’s one thing to do your part in order to commemorate someone like Dr King, but it’s another to obliviously use one of his quotes to further your own agenda and give reasoning behind your endeavours. To see their Instagram post and our response to it, click here.

Now, forgetting those profiting from war and racial inequality, we at Project dED have decided to share with you OUR favourite quotes and just how timeless and relevant they are. Dr Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream 56 years ago, and while it has not yet come true, it doesn’t mean that a fully hyped peace force can’t achieve it one day. With each quote, we will explain why it’s so important to us and how it is relevant to our society and peace progressions to come.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

It is time for us to stop thinking solely about our selves and our well-being; after all, we’ve only got one planet and it’s about damn time we got along. Denying people justice on whatever basis will only result in global injustice, and while some of us benefit more than others from a globalised economy, it is only right we keep it fair.

“The past is prophetic in that it asserts loudly that wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows.”

AND SCREAM IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE AT THE BACK! How could further wars and military regimes promote a peaceful state? If you break your leg or your arm, are you going to fix it by breaking it even more in hopes that the 2nd break will cancel the 1st break? Nope. If we are working for a tomorrow without war, then maybe we should get rid of our guns today.

“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

Now this, Project dED relates to on a DAILY basis. This is a reminder of just how much perseverance is KEY to reach your goals, whether it’s to end UK university ties to the arms trade or just to get through that long week at work or at uni where you can’t see the end of the tunnel. PERSEVERE! You got this, we got this, everyone got this.

“Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see.”

You know how some people say, “These bloody migrants! Why don’t they just go back to their own country? They’re only coming here to get on our benefits, while we REAL citizens get nothing!” There is a reason for these migrants coming to “your” country, and that’s because “your” country was complicit in destroying theirs! We cannot stress this enough — do not just observe the shadow, look back and find what is casting it. You may be very surprised by what you find…

“We cannot walk alone.”

This. THIS. We cannot walk alone. We SHOULDN’T have to walk alone, and we WON’T walk alone anymore. This is why Project dED is here: no more feeling like a teeny, tiny fish in a massive ocean full of armoured tanks; no more feeling as though your voice doesn’t matter because it’s not heard; no more feeling inadequate because you can’t help those who need it as much as you want to. dED is here and telling you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Well, there you have it folks. Almost 60 years after Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, we, unfortunately, are not near the end of racism and injustice. But does that mean we’re not making progress? Absolutely not, and we will keep making progress so long as we stick together, help one another, put down arms, and most importantly love each other.

Peace & Love,

Mel & Jin




A community for modern day peacemakers. #weaintdEDyet